Natasha, Ireland

“I relished the fact that we are a community of women who have come together for different reasons. I enjoy the weekly check ins and the discussion around women's place in ancient, historic and modern society. I have learned a lot about my cycles, how to track them and what to expect in each stage. I let myself rest during my bleed last week and i'm much more energised this week. I also really enjoyed the content on hormone disruptors and found it very helpful.”

Ellie McBride

A few years ago I moved halfway across the world after marrying a beautiful man from N. Ireland. To support a more flexible life, I created systems and a kickass website to protect my time, energy and yes my flexibility. And then I started doing it for my clients too!

Want to grow in a way that feels effortless by taking your business off manual-mode? Let’s move forward with more space and ease in your day-to-day operations!

Irene, Italy


Lucy, Portugal